Love Is Enough – Part 1


What more can the world ask for when there is love?

Why the craving for power? why the taste for money? Why did we want irrelevant things so much to the extent of killing a soul?

Everyone in life is fighting to be on top of the latter. Your strength is recommendable, but why seek power so much that you forget to value the little things?

We always equate power to our worth and that’s what makes us strive for higher levels, achieve more, and dominate every area of our lives; people often find ways to talk you down “You are a loser,” “You can never make it,” “didn’t you see Kelvin, he’s doing very fine, he’s the manager of his corporation but you, nothing,” “you are just useless,” so on.

Words like these can kill souls, and they can make you do the undoable. But despite all this noise, don’t forget that your worth is not based on these, “you are worthy,” “you are stronger,” and “you are important.” Even if you don’t know how. I will tell you how.

Did you think that if Mr. Kelvin had been in your position, he would still be as calm and respectful as you are now? Of course not. Did you think that you would enjoy the freedom that you are enjoying now if you were at that higher level? Did you think that you would have the loving family that you have now if you were on this quest for power? Of course not. Therefore, my friend, value those things that you have now and choose to love rather than the other.

Some seek power so that they will be in control; they believe it will shield them from the unknowns of life, give them security, and give them the authority to command respect. Yes, everyone wants those things, but we seem to forget that power can not be trusted, but love can, and power will put you in isolation; isolation from family, relationships, and even in isolation from your authentic self. And in the end, peace seems to diminish from your life, leaving you empty despite the outward appearance of success.

But Love is just the opposite; love brings peace, strengthens your relationships, gives you a family, and, most importantly brings you closer to your true self.

I ask again “Why in a quest for power when love is more than enough?”

Love nourishes our soul, connects us with others, gives us a sense of belonging, and, most importantly reminds us of what truly matters.

So, always choose love above power. And if you beat yourself because you choose love ahead of power in life. Please stop because you have done well.

Continue loving 💕.

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