Worry No More: It's Time To Reclaim Your Life


 Life is filled with obstacles, challenges, and things that will make you worry too much. But above all these, life also allows us to choose; to choose to worry or live life to the fullness.

"How can I live life to the fullness, when all these worries are weighing me down" you may ask. 

like I said before, you are given a chance to choose to live or to choose to survive.

Here is a question for you "How long will you continue to give those life obstacles power to detect your life"

And get this, worrying is only in your imagination. I have seen some people who became addicted to worrying; they worry about everything, And when I looked closer at their lives, it became clear to me that they are in that state because they overlooked the little things like worrying. I mean, who would pay much attention to what happens in their minds, probably nobody.

if you are viewing this post right now, and you are forming a habit of worrying, don't even try it, it's very dangerous not only to your mental health but to your whole life. And if you are already struggling with "worrying," I want to remind you that there is hope for you. 

My dear, it's time to reclaim what's originally yours. Stay with me here, let's explore.

Worrying Is Horrible

"What?" Yeah I said it, worries put you in a state of horror and all you worry about are all in the figment of your imagination.

Worrying is a mental prison

You lock yourself up in a mental prison when you worry. And get this, your worries will not change what happened neither will it solve the problems that might arise.

Worrying can only waste your time

Let's make this relatable, “Are you doing anything when you are worrying?” The answer to that is a NO, then why worry at all. It only makes you dormant; busy but doing nothing.

The cause of worry

What makes us worry? Fear of course, what else? When we are afraid of the unknowns of life, we tend to worry more than ever. When we are afraid of what happened, we resolve to worrying as the best way. But we both know that worrying does nothing to the problem.

Worry no more

It can only make us the enemy of ourselves or to look for someone to blame. Worrying gives us the wrong idea of things. So, my dear, worry no more.

Instead, face those fears and find a way to overcome those problems because worrying will never solve the problem.

Thanks for reading and live a worry free life. 

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