Mistakes are naturally done unintentional, but to fix the errors caused by mistakes are what seems Impossible to do but trust me you can amend the errors and even your mistakes following these strategies. I know that what "that is done is done", but don't forget that somethings done have been reversed one way or the other. One great thing about mistakes is that everybody makes it, and no one is above making mistakes.
Now let's kindly explore the strategies to amend or fix your mistakes.
Human being don't really want to hear that they have done mistakes. It hurts them on the inside and so they usually rejects doing it. If you told them that they have done it wrong, they will say I'm not the one that did it or I didn't do it wrong. What I mean by owning your mistakes is accepting that you did mistake, rejecting it might prolong the mistake brunt. Ignoring or rejecting your mistakes is adding more mistakes to the one already made. Be straightforward, accept that you messed up and identify your mistakes specifically.
Taking responsibility for what you did is very essential in amending it. Human as I have said before are considering and jumping to self defense mode when told they are wrong. Don't use circumstances to make excuses or point fingers or looking for who to blame, care more about dealing with the problems or mistakes rather than getting out of it in any way. Admit that it is your fault and take responsibility for it
Apology is a great tool to amending your mistakes. "I'm sorry" or "Please forgive me" can go a long way if properly used. Forgiveness is the key to fix mistakes, when you did mistake kindly apologize to the person bearing the brunt of your mistake. Even though you are the one bearing the brunt, plead yourself to forgive, it is very important. Nobody wants to be the bad guy and refuse to accept apology. If you don't apologize, the person hurt might not be able to forgive that's why apology is essential.
Making mistakes is the normal part of life, identifying the mistake, facing it and taking responsibility is essential to fix it. But you have to learn from the mistakes in order not to repeat them again. It usually takes longer for us to learn from our mistakes but if we can identify the mistake properly and the cause of the mistakes, it won't take long for us to figure it out and find the solution for it not to repeat. And by doing that, you are learning from your mistakes and making amends as well.
Everyone under the sun makes mistakes, it's so natural that sometimes we think it's how the world works. But by identifying your mistakes, taking responsibility for it, apologizing and learning from it makes it easier for us not to repeat the same mistakes and that's growing up.
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