Maintaining the quality of your life is your duty to perform to yourself, although some help of parents or guardians is always available but there is some decisions that you need to take yourself. Life improvement is one of the best thing you can do for yourself, improving your quality of life is crucial to you and also to people around you. But how then can we improve our life? How can we promote the quality of our life? What activities can we do to increase our self worth. I have gathered 5 best practices to improve your life.
• Daily Exercise
According to a study recently published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, an estimated 110,000 deaths a year could be prevented if adults in the United States ages 40 to 85 increased their moderate to vigorous physical activity intensity by 10 minutes a day.
Daily Exercise is essential to improve your fitness and can also extend your lifespan according to the JAMA report, so you can see how important it is for you to make out daily exercise for yourself. Even if it's 10 minutes per day, it's recommended to be doing the daily exercise in the morning when your body is in full alert although some prefer night time. Whatever time that will work for you, just make sure you stick to the plan.
• Stop Spending Extravagantly
Spending money extravagantly isn't helping most of the time, infact all the time. You should create money spending budget. Not only spending money, we spend most of our time extravagantly and that doesn't help when it comes to improving your life. try as much as possible to limit your spending by creating a spending budget for yourself. When we hear of budgeting most of the time, we think it's all about business. but one of the things that keep skipping our minds is that ourselves is our business as well. Your current situation, your goals, your ambitions, your health, your welfare, your success is your main personal business. So cutting off those things you spend extravagantly, maybe that $5 cup of coffee that is taking up $5 from your pocket everyday, or that television that is consuming your time from doing more meaningful things, will help you improve your life quality. And as well save you some cash, it may be little, what is $5 but if you can save up that $5 everyday for 6 months, you will be cashing in a whooping $900.
• Live Each Day As It Comes
What I mean is that you should make out plans for each day. Plan each day's activity and then execute it accurately.
It may not feel right or perfect at first but stick to it, you are going to start enjoying it with more practices and it worth it. planning each day isn't as hard as it may look, all you have to do is to get for yourself a pen and paper and write down how you are going to spend each time of your day. Time is a very resourceful tool, if you learn and master how to manage each of your time, then you are on the right path.
When I decided to take charge of my time, to be honest, at first it was awkward and boring but with determination and more practices, I totally start loving it. So I'm encouraging you to give a trial and stick to it, trust me, it's going to worth it.
• Be Grateful And Put On A Smile Always
Gratitude is a very interesting thing to do, be grateful for what you have and don't complain for what you don't have. Appreciate the things you have right now, don't let what you want make you to forget what you already have. There are people who wants to be alive but aren't, there are people who wants to have a home but are homeless, is not everyone that have a wonderful and caring family, is not everybody that has a car. So learn to appreciate for those things you have, don't be distracted by your wants but be filled with what you have and don't complain or get envious or sad for what you don't have. Put on a smiley face and cheer yourself up.
There are many ways to improve your quality of life but I just shared few and with time, you are going to get all of it, only keep yourself updated. You are responsible for your own happiness and you have to take charge of that.
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