The Power Is In Your Hands: Change Now or Regret Later


 It's easy to remain in that familiar spot than to make a move. We often tell ourselves stories of how changing can downplay the whole thing but my question is have you decided within yourself to change no matter what the circumstances are or will result. Change becomes the enemy meanwhile we are suppose to be held accountable. 

"Well, I will still change, just not now" is the statement we are all familiar with but if you didn't change now then when will you change? When will you change that career that makes you sick to the nerves? Until you die of boredom? When will you stop that smoking and alcoholism that's rickling your life? Until your body starts to shake and tremble? 

The best time is now. Before the end of this post I want you to come to a decision to change as soon as now.

How Badly Do You Want To Change?

Do you really want to change? At this point in this post I want to remove the chaffs from the corns. It's time to make a decision whether you will later be thankful for changing right here, right now or you want to regret your life and start blaming yourself or others why you didn't change when the opportunity presented itself. "I really want to change but each time I fall right back in, I give up on changing" I have heard this statement quite often since the last 5 years. And here comes the question again "how badly did you want to change?"

In a scale of 1-10, how badly did you want to change? If you fall in the category of 1-7, you can exit this post or continue reading to boost your chance to change. But if you fall in the category of 7-10, my dear friend let's get serious with your life right now. You can do it.

What Is The Goal?

What exactly are you going to change? What is that thing that you want to change as badly soon as now? Please identify it comprehensively. Want to change more than one thing? Get a journal and list them out.

Please be specific, if possible focus on one at the moment and tackle the rest gradually.

Why I told you to be specific and clear is because without a clear goal, you’ll wander and waste your time and energy.

Believe You Can Do It

"Seeing is believing and believing is doing" as they use to say. With no atom of doubt, believe that you can do it. Don't worry about what might come next, just believe for now. Having a clear goal and believing are similar, they just appear in different forms. Having a clear goal is been specific and clear (in your mind) of what you want to change while believing has to do with your heart; being clear and specific in your heart (with no doubt) that you can do it.

If you doubt, it becomes impossible for you to do it. Everything is possible if you believe.


What's driving your desire to change? Understanding your "why" is crucial for sustaining motivation when the going gets tough. Whether it's reclaiming your health, pursuing your dreams, or finding inner peace, let your reasons fuel your determination. Recently I saw articles that undermine the power of motivation by replacing it with discipline. Though focusing on only motivation may not be enough, motivation has a role to play in our lives. And to me, discipline and motivation has different roles to play. See below.


Discipline is about cultivating consistency in accordance with your motivation.
Change requires discipline. It's about making conscious choices and sticking to them, even when it's tempting to revert to old habits. Cultivate self-discipline through consistent action and unwavering commitment to your goals. 

Tracking The Change

Keep track of your progress. Whether it's journaling, using apps, or creating visual reminders, monitoring your journey helps you stay accountable and celebrate your victories, no matter how small.

Monitor The Change

Regularly assess your efforts. Are you moving closer to your goals? Are there areas that need adjustment? Stay adaptable and willing to pivot as needed to stay on course.


Change isn't always linear. There will be setbacks and challenges along the way. But persistence is key. Dust yourself off, learn from setbacks, and keep pushing forward with resilience and determination.

Organize Perfectly Every Day

Set yourself up for success by structuring your days effectively. Prioritize tasks that align with your goals, eliminate distractions, and create routines that support your journey toward change.

Outdated Or Updated

Periodically reassess your goals and methods. Are they still serving you, or is it time for a refresh? Stay open to evolving your approach as you grow and learn throughout your journey of change.

In conclusion; Change is not just about wanting it; it's about committing to it. So, take a moment to reflect on your desire for change. Are you ready to take the leap? Remember, the best time to start is now. Embrace the journey, stay focused, and believe in your ability to transform your life for the better. Dear friend, the power to change is in your very own hands. What will you do with that kind of power? Make a move or Stay as you are before? 
Decide wisely, Friend.

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