Worry No More, Value Your Happiness A Little More



Photo by Sohaim Siddiquee on Unsplash

Let me start with a question: “How much time will you continue to waste worrying about things that are not in your control?” We often worry more than we think. Most times, we let things that happened in the past trap us in a circle of not moving forward. Did you let things yet to come that you are not aware of distract you from taking up an opportunity in front of you?

These can cause us to worry about what comes next. What if this turns out to be wrong? What if I said yes to him and changed right after our wedding?

I heard a story of one couple whose worrisomeness scattered their wedding. The groom was worried that perhaps the bride was hiding her true self from him, and the bride had tried as much as she could to be open with her man, but that was not working. I heard from the bride’s side of the story, so I couldn’t conclude what exactly put their marriage in jeopardy. But one thing I do know is that both the groom and the bride are worried about the unknown.

We are born into a world that is never the same; change can happen at any time, but what matters is whether you will be happy as these changes occur. Sometimes, you can’t decide whether or not you will be happy since you can predict your mood in the next five minutes, but you can choose to be happy no matter what happens.

Happiness is a decision; that’s the best way to view happiness. If you put your happiness in materialism, you may live your life in bitterness of heart because man is greedy, and humans never stop seeking more.

So, you have to make a choice to be happy where you are, let go of the past, and be positive about what is to come.

How can we then let go of the past, be happy now, and be positive about the future when our present is plagued with life challenges? Okay, let’s take this each step at a time.

Let go of the past.

Did you know that what happened in the past can paralyze your brain and focus your attention on fear of the unknown? That can only happen when you keep beating yourself up about how you’ve messed up. I get it; what you did may be wrong, but if you keep worrying about it, you are likely to repeat it. The best you can do about the past is to learn from it and move on. No one is perfect; you may have done wrong in the past, which feels like you can’t even forgive yourself about it, but hey, you deserve to be forgiven, to be happy, and to enjoy life regardless of your imperfections.

Be happy in the now

I’m persuading you to make a decision to be happy starting today. It is recorded that happy people live the longest life and happy couples enjoy the longest marriage. I want you to beat your chest right where you are and say this with me: “I choose to be happy each and every day of my life starting now.” Good job. 

But saying it isn’t enough; I want you to feel it in your heart. Say it repeatedly until you can feel it within your heart and soul. That warm feeling of relaxation that resonated from within you each time you heard a funny joke or watched a funny clip — that’s the one. Hold on to it. Add this to your affirmation book if you have one. If you don’t, then try to get one; it will help you a lot. 

Or you can download some affirmation audio to help you with it, there is an audio I found quite useful when it comes to handling our worries and not just me, over 10,000+ people also credit this audio as the best. You can download the audio from the link below.


I will discuss more about affirmations, so get yourself signed up for my free personal development newsletter. I will embed the link below.

Be positive about the future

We are all victims of ‘what ifs.’ Isn’t that right? Yeah. The future remains unknown no matter how you try to predict it. Either from past events or from some mystical ways, we just can’t know what will happen even in the next minute. 

There is something I would like to bring to your attention, and you can resonate with it: “The best way to assess the future is to be positive about it.” Since we do not know what will happen, the least we can do is to be positive, accept whatever it may be, hope for the best, and not worry about the worst. You won’t be worrying if you’ve accepted it to be good. 

You won’t be hard on yourself if you have decided to be happy no matter what comes. I’m not saying that you won’t work for a good result; I’m only saying to be ready to accept whatever comes. 

Acceptance is the best way to avoid the worrying cage. Being positive that whatever comes will be in your best interest is the best way to set your mind in the right mood and your heart in a happy tone.

So, my dear, worry no more, let it go and live, be happy starting now, and embrace the future with a positive mind and a joyful heart.

I want to thank you, especially for taking the time to read this article from the beginning to the end. And I hope for you to stay connected with our webpage (www.inspiringkeys.com). 

Don’t forget, the goal is to be better than you were personally, emotionally, psychologically, financially, and in the best possible way.

Thanks for reading and be happy.

Download The Stop Worrying Subliminal Audio >> HERE

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