You're Afraid Of Judgement Not Failure


 When things didn't go as planned it seemed like we had hit rock bottom. That's when we become afraid. 

But afraid of what exactly? Worried that we failed? Not at all. What makes you scared is the judgment you will receive, what people will say, how people will react to hearing this, and the criticism you will get from people and yourself as well.

“What a loser,” “I knew good things would never come out of that boy,” and so on.

But listen to me right now, I will share with you 4 things you need to keep in mind about failure, it will help you a lot.

1. Don't Fear Failure, Fear Not Trying 

We need to acknowledge that one must fail at some point in their life before success will come. Life is not a sweet candy, to succeed in life there are some experiences you have to acquire and in my careful observation, failure is one of them.

My point is that it's okay to fail but it's not okay not to try. So try new things, you might fail, yes, but what happens after that failure is life-changing. 

Personally, I prefer to do things my way, but I won't encourage you to do things your way if you are not ready to fail because I failed many times to the extent of flooding my kitchen when I tried to fix the sink myself. it's a disaster but I found humour in DIY.

you can find the list of my humourous stories on Medium.

2. Failure Is A Master Teacher 

As I mentioned earlier, what happens after failure is life-changing. Yes, sure, failure can be life-altering when viewed from the wrong perspective, you can end up questioning everything when failure knocks on your door, and you may end up worse than failure itself if you view failure with a negative mindset.

Well, since you are reading this now, allow me to show you a new way to see failure. Failure is a master teacher; I haven't seen a better way to learn something if not from the mishaps. 

Experience, they say, is the best teacher but what value can you gain from experience,  if you didn't grab the lessons taught by those experiences. Did you see my point, we learned more from experience when we failed more.

And get this, when you fail, you grow as well; failure gives you the eyes to see things in new ways. For instance, if you try to solve a problem in a new way, you might get a hit but if you get a miss instead, you have to clean your boots and try it again. But this time, there's a lot of improvement in your knowledge because practice makes perfect. And when you finally get a hit, you are going to savor that feeling of success like never before because you have learned a lot along your way to success.

3. Pay No Need To Critics; their opinions don't matter 

This is where people get so much afraid. Honestly, we are not afraid of failure more than we are afraid of criticisms and judgments of others.

I want you to imagine driving a car on the right side of the road and then your car hits a roadblock, and then other drivers at your side start insulting both you and your car. In this scenario, what will you do? Will you adjust yourself and continue your journey or will you pay more attention to those other drivers. 

If you choose to adjust yourself and continue your journey, I'm certain that you will be more careful not to hit another roadblock. But if you choose otherwise, you will probably waste some of your time there and hit more roadblocks on the way as you continue meditating on their insults.

4. Examine your life and accept reality as it is.

Assess your life, yes, you may have failed but don't let it stop you from trying. You might be a step closer to your success. 

So my dear, examine your life and accept reality as it is; failure is a must-experience in your journey of success, whether personal or professional success. Accepting that will help you to bounce back smarter and even better.

In conclusion, I need to remind you not to be afraid to fail or be afraid of what others may think of you. Instead, strive to be better by learning from your failures and being open to trying new things.

I would like to hear your thoughts, opinions, and questions in the comment section. And if you want to get closer to your author, consider following me on @inspiredjosh

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