Everyone wants to be respected but did we really do things that deserve respect. You can't just go around gossiping or insulting people and still wants to be respected. it sounds impossible, didn't it? As you are stepping to becoming an adult or probably an adult, one thing you should keep in mind is that respect matters a lot in life. There is a lot of reasons why respect matters but the things you should be concerned about is how best to boost others respect for you and earn their trust.
So what are the things that can guarantee us respect from others.
It is said that respect is reciprocal, let's discuss about that for a minute. When you give respect, you receive respect. But you have to give it in an appropriate manner because respect i mean here is not only just respecting people, it is respecting others with unharmful motives, showing others respect with a pure heart. Respecting others is one of the respect boosters I have experienced so far and it worked out perfectly. Once you give out respect with good motives and clear conscience, you will feel amazed and these people you respect will like to keep their integrity by respecting you as well.
If you promise something, try a best of yours to keep it because if you keep your promises, you will be viewed by others as a trustworthy and a person of integrity thereby, promoting or boosting the respect he/she have for you. Keeping promises does not only boost respect, it as well boost trust. You won't expect respect or trust from someone who you gave an unfulfilled promise. Make your relationship stronger by keeping promises.
When I was a little boy, I always read the quote at the door of my school library, it says "Let Your Action Speak Louder Than Your Voice". Actions speaks? When I first hear that, it didn't sound right to me but I get to understand it later, as I think about it over and over again. Speaking with your actions, I assure you it works perfectly in boosting respect. Too much talk doesn't help things but taking action helps a lot and thereby boosting respect more than expected. But keep in mind that if you are going to speak with actions, do it properly and according to rules. You can't be saying "I'm brilliant" while your test results are saying otherwise, if you studied very well, you don't have to waste your saliva saying "I'm brilliant", because your test results must have done that for you.
If you help others when they are in need of help, you are going to gain the most of their respect. And that's not all, they are going to help you as well when you need their help and thereby promoting unity, peace and respect especially in relationships. It may be a little impossible for you to help, don't worry it's normal, but try to help even if you don't want to. Helping when you don't want to really boost the person's respect for you.
There's this saying "It's Good To Be Good" And yeah, it's completely good to be good, when you do good you really feel good and amazed. Not only that doing good implies doing the right thing at the right time. Doing the right thing at the wrong time maybe not be viewed as good many times, that's why I put it as "doing good". When you do good, people will view you as a good doer regardless of the criticism that accompanies it. Doing good will boost the respect people have for you, it boost your integrity too. That's why striving to do good all the time is important. And If you did a mistake by chance, it may ruin your reputation, that's why I always advice to own your mistakes and apologize immediately so to keep your integrity more stronger.
In summary, giving respect, keeping promises, acting with respect to one another instead of too much talks, rendering help and most essentially striving to do good will boost your respect from others. If you set out this reputable standards for yourself, It will (I guarantee you) boost your respect and you will live as a trustworthy standard among your mates.
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